Friday, June 17, 2011

Finding Your Perfect Man

Where can you find your perfect guy? There is no universal definition of a perfect guy, and if you ask around, you will find different answers from different women. There is also a possibility that the same woman may have a different concept of her dream guy when she grows older.

The concepts about your dream guys evolve all the time and you should take this into consideration, and accept that your concept would keep on changing.
A friend of yours may find a dancer in that topless bar that is exotic for her, and she may drool over him all the time. It does not mean that you should have the same reaction. Ignore the advice from your parents and friends. Each will just suggest you to someone they think is the ideal for you, whether he is a doctor or lawyer, or somebody they feel comfortable to be with it. Ignore all this advice, even how tempting or alluring it may sound.
Remember that all your family and friends have your best interests at heart, and each of them have their own notion of what can make you happy. But ultimately what can make you happy is something that only you will know. It is definitely wrong if you get into a marriage with someone who is totally different from the sort of person that you are, and also not your ideal one.
If you are to have a perfect guy in your life, he must fit naturally into the sort of life you lead. You should be the one to write the script for your life, and to live the life you want. Because when you just depend on the advice and choice of others, it will never work out.
You must have your own idea of your likes and dislikes and the way you want your life to go. Your perfect guy should fit into this comfortably and without any stress. Now that you have a fair idea of what you want, do not get obsessed with the character that you have made up in your mind.
There is always a possibility that you could miss up on meeting the person who could be the love of your life, this is because you have narrowed down your requirements for your perfect guy. Your standards change and evolve and circumstances too.
This could take you to a place that you never envisaged, and can bring you across to people you never thought you would meet. Just keep your mind and heart open, and accept that your dreams and perceptions in a guy will change as your grow older, and be always prepared for this.
First take a long hard look at all the men that are already in your life and see whether anyone of them comes even near the perceptions that you have for a perfect guy. Maybe your perception about one of them has changed over the last few months, and you are finding in him more of the characteristics of the man in your dreams.
He does not need to be a handsome hunk, or an Adonis, but he may be the sort of person whom you are very comfortable with, and can find yourself constantly thinking about him. It means that your dreams have changed, and that your dream guy is now the person in your thoughts. You would do well to seriously ask yourself if this is the dream guy that you want in your life.    
For more information about relationships please visit: Finding Your Ideal Man